. tab soc_src, m
Source - Social |
Contributions | Freq. Percent Cum.
OECD | General | 1,111 25.38 25.38
GFS01 | General | Accrual | 139 3.18 28.56
GFS01 | General | Cash | 219 5.00 33.56
GFS01 | Central | Accrual | 5 0.11 33.68
GFS01 | Central | Cash | 297 6.79 40.46
GFS86 | Central | Cash | 12 0.27 40.74
GFS01 | Budgetary | Accrual | 33 0.75 41.49
GFS01 | Budgetary | Cash | 148 3.38 44.87
. | 2,413 55.13 100.00
Total | 4,377 100.00
Again the "m" option is so the missing observations are tabulated. Now sometimes when I do a table (or tabulate), I have to write the option "nol" to see the actual values and not the labels assigned to them:
. tab soc_src, nol
Source - |
Social |
Contributio |
ns | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 1,111 56.57 56.57
2 | 139 7.08 63.65
3 | 219 11.15 74.80
4 | 5 0.25 75.05
5 | 297 15.12 90.17
6 | 12 0.61 90.78
7 | 33 1.68 92.46
8 | 148 7.54 100.00
Total | 1,964 100.00
Now why not both? I mean, what does the value "0" refer to again? How about "8"? Well if you use the command "FRE", written by Ben Jann, tabulation is much clearer:
. fre soc_src
soc_src -- Source - Social Contributions
| Freq. Percent Valid Cum.
Valid 0 OECD | General | 1111 25.38 56.57 56.57
2 GFS01 | General | Accrual | 139 3.18 7.08 63.65
3 GFS01 | General | Cash | 219 5.00 11.15 74.80
4 GFS01 | Central | Accrual | 5 0.11 0.25 75.05
5 GFS01 | Central | Cash | 297 6.79 15.12 90.17
6 GFS86 | Central | Cash | 12 0.27 0.61 90.78
7 GFS01 | Budgetary | Accrual | 33 0.75 1.68 92.46
8 GFS01 | Budgetary | Cash | 148 3.38 7.54 100.00
Total | 1964 44.87 100.00
Missing . | 2413 55.13
Total | 4377 100.00
To download the program, just type:
ssc install fre
There was once another user-made program that does a similar thing called "TABL," but it's no longer available in the servers anymore.
Anyway, more later.