This is utterly embarrassing for the Philippines. No excuse period.
Source: OWID
exploring economics through charts
One of the most ironic things about religious societies is how everyone tries to spend substantial resources to celebrate religious festivals. Particularly for low income families, they would even go as far as borrow money and essentially decrease future flows of disposable income. Maybe they derive some non-economic benefits from it much similar to how people in the other side of the spectrum (a.k.a. rich people) get into philanthropy.
These thoughts are exactly what I found in the latest NBER paper by Eduardo Montero and Dean Yang. Entitled "Religious Festivals and Economic Development: Evidence from Catholic Saint Day Festivals in Mexico", Montero and Yang showed that in Mexico, agriculturally-coinciding festivals have negative effects on household income and other development outcomes. They also lead to lower agricultural productivity and higher share of the labor force in agriculture, consistent with agriculturally-coinciding festivals inhibiting the structural transformation of the economy. So why do these families persist on spending beyond their means? They showed that agriculturally-coinciding festivals also lead to higher religiosity and social capital, potentially explaining why such festivals persist in spite of their negative growth consequences.
I guess this is one of those cases where non-economic benefits outweigh the economic ones. These humans are still rational beings.
In our recent paper, we expected government spending across countries to increase in 2020 as a response to the COVID pandemic, and to also fund programs that protect people, jobs, and businesses during the recession caused by the pandemic. Once economies start to bounce back in 2021, government spending is expected to fall for the next couple of years.
This has been analyzed by the Economist, and below I am replicating one of the charts they presented. For this one, I am using data from IMF's World Economic Outlook.
If you're like me who always use a do-file even when running short analyses (e.g. just one chart! -- it helps if you always have a record of what you're doing; I even put a time stamp on mine), more often than not you want to see ONLY the result of some codes found in the middle of a do-file. For instance, in the middle of the do-file, you have codes for running a regression. If you just want to see the regression results without seeing the output, you have several options.
If you have more patience than me, you can just highlight only the set of codes you want to see the results of (the regression codes for instance) and then type Ctrl+D to run the codes. But maybe this is cumbersome because before running the regression, you may need to prepare the data first, and maybe generate new variables. So you would need to go back further and highlight a few more lines of codes.
An alternative would be not to highlight anything and just simply click Ctrl+D. Of course, this would run the whole do-file so an additional step for you is to look at the results window and search for the regression results. But with all the output of other analyses included in the do-file also presented in the results window, I'm sure you will soon start to think there should be an easier way to do this.
And that easier way is to use "/*". Putting these two characters after the codes for the analysis you want to see (the regression codes in my example) would suppress the results of the rest of the analyses in the do-file. Yes, you'll still see the results of the analyses at the earlier portion of the do-file (before the regression analysis in my example), but at least all you need to do is just look for the start of where the results are suppressed, and before that you will find the analysis you want to see (i.e., the regression results).
Then again, if you're like me, I hate that I have to scroll back up, especially if the do-file is horribly long.
This brings us to what I think is the best and simplest solution. Just use "exit". Write this command after the codes you want to see and when you type Ctrl+D without highlighting any codes, the do-file will run and end immediately after the output you are looking for is presented in the results window. No need for scrolling up and down. Simple as that.
. tab soc_src, m
Source - Social |
Contributions | Freq. Percent Cum.
OECD | General | 1,111 25.38 25.38
GFS01 | General | Accrual | 139 3.18 28.56
GFS01 | General | Cash | 219 5.00 33.56
GFS01 | Central | Accrual | 5 0.11 33.68
GFS01 | Central | Cash | 297 6.79 40.46
GFS86 | Central | Cash | 12 0.27 40.74
GFS01 | Budgetary | Accrual | 33 0.75 41.49
GFS01 | Budgetary | Cash | 148 3.38 44.87
. | 2,413 55.13 100.00
Total | 4,377 100.00
Again the "m" option is so the missing observations are tabulated. Now sometimes when I do a table (or tabulate), I have to write the option "nol" to see the actual values and not the labels assigned to them:
. tab soc_src, nol
Source - |
Social |
Contributio |
ns | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 1,111 56.57 56.57
2 | 139 7.08 63.65
3 | 219 11.15 74.80
4 | 5 0.25 75.05
5 | 297 15.12 90.17
6 | 12 0.61 90.78
7 | 33 1.68 92.46
8 | 148 7.54 100.00
Total | 1,964 100.00
Now why not both? I mean, what does the value "0" refer to again? How about "8"? Well if you use the command "FRE", written by Ben Jann, tabulation is much clearer:
. fre soc_src
soc_src -- Source - Social Contributions
| Freq. Percent Valid Cum.
Valid 0 OECD | General | 1111 25.38 56.57 56.57
2 GFS01 | General | Accrual | 139 3.18 7.08 63.65
3 GFS01 | General | Cash | 219 5.00 11.15 74.80
4 GFS01 | Central | Accrual | 5 0.11 0.25 75.05
5 GFS01 | Central | Cash | 297 6.79 15.12 90.17
6 GFS86 | Central | Cash | 12 0.27 0.61 90.78
7 GFS01 | Budgetary | Accrual | 33 0.75 1.68 92.46
8 GFS01 | Budgetary | Cash | 148 3.38 7.54 100.00
Total | 1964 44.87 100.00
Missing . | 2413 55.13
Total | 4377 100.00
To download the program, just type:
ssc install fre
There was once another user-made program that does a similar thing called "TABL," but it's no longer available in the servers anymore.
Anyway, more later.
line rgdp year
Well, a simple way to do that is to add another variable and use the twoway graph command "AREA." To start with, your new variable has to be a constant with value equal to the highest data point in your y-axis. So for example, in your graph of U.S. real GDP, the highest value given is 3,500 billions of constant 2005 $. So:
gen new=3500
Now, your new graph command should be:
twoway (area new year if year>=1929 & year<=1939) (line rgdp year)
You have to start with the AREA-type graph first because the first graph type will always be superimposed by the next graph type.